
Course Information


Term: 2023-2024 Fall


Rhonda Gray
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Hi students. Welcome to RCC and into our classroom! We will be critically reflecting on important issues that we are facing in society today while gaining new academic skills to serve your future goals. I look forward to hearing your perspective and learning with you as we build a dynamic classroom experience together. 

Best wishes for a successful semester!

Prof. Gray


Mon, 10:30 AM - 1:15 PM (9/18/2023 - 12/22/2023) Location: MAIN 3 348


Prerequisite: ENG 102 (or concurrent enrollment)

This course will cover the literary contributions of African-American authors from early poetry and spirituals to contemporary Black literature. Students will develop an understanding of African-American Literature by identifying various genres, forms, and historical periods such as slave narratives, the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Arts Movement, and Afro-Futurism. We will compare, contrast and integrate major themes in African-American literature such as freedom, civil rights, alienation, identity, and double consciousness. Moreover, students will describe the relationship between a literary text to its historical, cultural, and social context