Mon-Wed, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM (5/27/2014 - 8/7/2014) Location: MAIN 3 325
Mon-Wed, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM (5/27/2014 - 5/30/2014) Location: MAIN 3 328
Tue-Thu, 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM (5/27/2014 - 8/7/2014) Location: MAIN 3 525
PREREQUISITE: MAT087-Basic Math or Placement Test
This course is a continuation of MAT087, Basic Mathematics. Topics include signed numbers, decimal numbers, exponential notation, scientific notation, solving and graphing linear equations, an introduction to polynomials, and systems of linear equations and their graphs. Geometrical topics include lines and angles, closed curves and convex polygons, triangles and similarities, and symmetry and proportion in nature and art. Students may complete this course during the first three weeks of the semester by passing the MyMathLab modules. Students will then be eligible to take either MAT 099 Intermediate Algebra, MAT 114-Quantitative Reasoning or MAT 120-Intro to Statistics the following semester. This course does not satisfy degree requirements.