

Term: 2018-2019 Fall


Kirsten Chervinsky
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Allison Belmonte
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Kristin R. Lundsten
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Loretta Cunningham
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Wed, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM (9/5/2018 - 12/21/2018) Location: MAIN 4 300
Thu, 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM (9/5/2018 - 12/21/2018) Location: *


Prerequisites: Requires Acceptance into the Program, Anatomy & Physiology I (SCI 201), General Psychology (SSI 122), Human Growth and Development (SSI 209), English Composition I (ENG 101), must be Intro to Statistics (MAT 120) eligible.

Corequisites: NUR 105 Nursing Role Development, NUR 103 Fundamentals of Nursing, Anatomy & Physiology II (SCI 202).

This course is an introduction to Pharmacology in Nursing. Common topics that will be discussed will include names of medications (Generic), classification of drugs, indications and contraindications for use, clinical calculations, adverse effects and nursing implications. This course includes a 1 credit online didactic and 1 credit in-person lab. The course is designed to be taken concurrently with Fundamental Nursing (NUR 103) to enrich the student?s learning of medications associated with patient populations/diseases within the Fundamental course.
Number of credit hours:
First semester NUR 110 is 2 credits (1 online, 1 lab)